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Unlock the Secret of Mutual Success


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Selling is all about building mutually beneficial relationships, and when you think about it, this is the type of relationship that we look for in all aspects of our life. The most productive relationships are those in which each person involved thrives independently and can add something of value to the relationship.

In business, especially in sales, having everyone around you succeed offers several valuable things:

- Business feedback: Satisfied customers are more likely to come back to you the next time they are in the market for your product or service. . . assuming they are thinking of you, which is why keeping in touch with customers is so important.

-Increased sales volume: A successful business customer is more profitable and has the money to buy more products and services from you.

-Positive Referrals: When customers are happy, especially if you have something to do with it, they're more likely to refer you to other people they know.

-Positive Testimonials: Testimonials are great to include in sales letters, brochures, and other marketing materials. If future prospects know that you have helped others, they are more convinced that you can help them.

- Increased Opportunity: Focusing on your customers' success often opens your mind to new ideas for additional products and services, and maybe even new divisions or businesses that you can start.


Making your customers successful

Your client's success is your success, so it's in your best interest to make your client as successful as possible. It does not mean giving away your products and services. This means allowing your customer to exploit the full potential of what you are selling and supporting your customer even when that support does not directly increase sales.

You may need to offer your clients free advice, refer them to other companies for products and services that you don't sell, or even do a bit of headhunting to direct them to the best staff. qualified in your region.


Making your customers’ customers successful

As an entrepreneur salesperson, always think ahead - that means considering your client's customer. The most important contribution you can make to your client's success is to contribute to the success of your client's client.

In many cases, this responsibility falls primarily on the CEO of your company or the product development division, but since you likely have more direct contact with customers, you may need to get the message across to your company. If you are selling to a company that sells your product to consumers, keep that consumer, the end user, in mind.


Focusing your efforts on underserved clientele

Your market is likely populated with some unserved or underserved customer base, especially minority customers that you and your competition have ignored. Ensuring customer success often requires paying some attention to this market area.


Declaring peace with your competitors

Build relationships with your competition like the relationships you have when you go up against friends in a friendly game of tennis. Do your best to crush the competition, but don't take it personally. You never know when you might need to ask one of your nemesis for a favor, or when an opportunity to work together might arise.


Tapping the power of professional associations

As you shop around to improve performance and productivity for everyone around you, don't neglect your coworkers. Join and lead your trade association, and give back to the industry that toasts and butter your bread.

Honor your duty to give back to your industry. Once a year, you should offer to speak at an industry event or at least act as a member of a panel discussion. Find a way to give back and pass on the wisdom you have gained.